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Tag Archives: Gods
Reblog: Kemetism: The Red-Headed Step Child of Paganism
I read this post last week, and I thought it was really interesting. You should consider giving the original poster your thoughts on the idea! So, I started a new Kemetics only group on FB this week because of … Continue reading
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Tagged ancient, egypt, egyptian netjer, god, Gods, Kemetic, kemeticism, kemetism, netjeru, pagan, paganism
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Kemetic Priesthood: Then and Now
I thought I would start off with a fairly academic post I made a while back 🙂 There is a lot of discussion out on the Internet about priesthood. What is it? How do you know when you are a … Continue reading
A is for Atum.
Neenee and Em Hotep! For my first few entries, I’m linking to some of my older posts that ‘fell off the radar’ when I switched my blog to wordpress. Atum is a good place to start! A is for Atum.